Responsible AI Report Cover TrendFeedr

Responsible AI Report

: Analysis on the Market, Trends, and Technologies
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Published: May 1, 2024
Updated: June 29, 2024
Author: Maria Garcia

The responsible AI business domain is experiencing significant growth and development, as evidenced by the activities of 566 companies across various industries. These companies are integrating ethical AI practices into their operations, addressing concerns such as biases, privacy, and societal impacts. Key trends include AI Governance, AI Ethics, and Explainable AI, reflecting an emphasis on transparent and ethical AI. The sector has attracted substantial investments, with a total funding of $5.29 billion, and demonstrates strong financial viability with an average annual revenue of $17.67 million per company. The rapid increase in news coverage and funding indicates a surging interest in responsible AI, presenting opportunities for businesses to innovate and grow in this pivotal area.

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Topic Dominance Index of Responsible AI

The Dominance Index of Responsible AI looks at the evolution of the sector through a combination of multiple data sources. We analyze the distribution of news articles that mention Responsible AI, the timeline of newly founded companies working in this sector, and the share of voice within the global search data. All this combined gives a dominance index distribution of Responsible AI relative to all known Trends and Technologies.

Dominance Index growth in the last 5 years: 1082.21%
Growth per month: 7.77%

Key Activities and Applications

  • Development and deployment of ethical AI systems.
  • Implementation of AI Governance frameworks.
  • Integration of Explainable AI in business processes.
  • Investment in AI initiatives that prioritize ethical standards and transparency.
  • Adoption of AI technologies across various sectors, including IT, healthcare, finance, and education.

Technologies and Methodologies

  • Use of AI and machine learning models for data analysis and decision-making.
  • Application of natural language processing for improved communication and automation.
  • Deployment of predictive analytics to anticipate market trends and customer behavior.
  • Integration of cybersecurity measures to protect user data and ensure privacy.

Responsible AI Funding

A total of 151 Responsible AI companies have received funding.
Overall, Responsible AI companies have raised $4.4B.
Companies within the Responsible AI domain have secured capital from 383 funding rounds.
The chart shows the funding trendline of Responsible AI companies over the last 5 years

Funding growth in the last 5 years: 111.37%
Growth per month: 1.27%

Responsible AI Companies

Uncover actionable market insights on 576 companies driving Responsible AI with TrendFeedr's Companies tool. The feature offers comprehensive data on innovative companies and technologies, essential for those looking to innovate and disrupt their industries.

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576 Responsible AI Companies

Discover Responsible AI Companies, their Funding, Manpower, Revenues, Stages, and much more

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Responsible AI Investors

Get ahead with your investment strategy with insights into 178 Responsible AI investors. TrendFeedr’s investors tool is your go-to source for comprehensive analysis of investment activities and financial trends. The tool is tailored for navigating the investment world, offering insights for successful market positioning and partnerships within Responsible AI.

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178 Responsible AI Investors

Discover Responsible AI Investors, Funding Rounds, Invested Amounts, and Funding Growth

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Responsible AI News

TrendFeedr’s News feature offers access to 7.7K news articles on Responsible AI. The tool provides up-to-date news on trends, technologies, and companies, enabling effective trend and sentiment tracking.

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7.7K Responsible AI News Articles

Discover Latest Responsible AI Articles, News Magnitude, Publication Propagation, Yearly Growth, and Strongest Publications

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Executive Summary

The responsible AI sector is marked by a robust ecosystem of companies engaging in ethical AI development and application. With significant investment, high growth in media coverage, and a strong financial foundation, the industry is poised for continued expansion. Companies are prioritizing ethical considerations and responsible practices to foster trust and drive innovation. The integration of AI across various sectors underscores the technology's transformative potential and the importance of maintaining ethical standards for long-term success.

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